Thursday, April 28, 2011

I love you♥

Just back from boon lay.
Sweat like what siak-.-
I seriously dislike the weather nowadays luh-.-
Hmm, just now message with boyboy when walking to boon lay.
He never say want meet halfway:(
Then i walked to his work place,
and he walk to find me.
Then i reached his workplace there never saw him:(
I meet up with mummy,
and go ask about jiehe's phone.
After asking,
we walking time, saw boyboy~~~
Lalala, then i heard mummy don't know say what,
dingdong? o.o
After she done purchasing her stuffs.
We went home.
While walking home,
my gastric start to pain.
It has been quite some times never pain liao.
Suddenly pain again.
Today is Thursday, yay.
Later can see baby le ^-^
Shall update later, if got time:)

Current time 7:25pm

Yawns, bored like hell.
Actually today going JP interview de.
But i wait for jiewei come back he haven't come back.
So ya, tomorrow then go:p
cos i don't want alone go:p
I'm a bit tired too:/
Cos the weather again.
Tsktsk, damn weather-.-
But i don't feel like sleeping ley:/

Finding song to listen,
don't know what song to find :X
Boyboy feel that i don't want him:(
Babybaby, don't be silly.
I love you a lot.
And i want you!
Don't think too much kay!
Okay, i'm going to be a good girl and eat now:)
Till fat:p(not too fat)


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♥The song;♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪