Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fml -'-

Fcuk my life -'-
Fcuk everything !
Fcuk myself -'-
No freedom .
Today everything not going as smooth as I though , fcuk it !
Morning wake up tog you'll come find me ,
but you didn't it's okay anyway , cos night you did came .
Just now say until so steady okay later ton ,
yet I cannot ton?
Lose $30 shag -.-
What's the different between girl and boy?
Why parents so bias on guys than girl?
Why can't I ton?
Cos I'm a girl?
Hey , I'm 18 already leh -.-
And hello , I'm a human too lehs !
I need freedom eh -.-
It's so unfair la , kns .
Ever time you ton then next day sleep till so late . x.x
Always ask me to keep house , what else?
Okay , if you say girls suppose to be doing the house-chores .
BUT girl are humans too , they need freedom ! -.-
I starting to think that , no ones really understand me well .
The feeling really sucks like hell man !
How I know you are the one who know how I feel , tsk D:

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